Now accepting applications for Spring 2024!

The Enlightened Bodyworker


The Enlightened Bodyworker is a 3 month deep-dive program of non-traditional bodywork teachings and embodied exploration to help take your practice to the next level.

Apply subtle energetics, shamanic principles and spirituality to your bodywork, healing or client-supportive practice.


The world is yearning to experience your full capacity and gift for healing.

This is a group experience where, with warmhearted support, you’ll become more confident in your work helping others. Learn to facilitate the release of stored trauma, incorporate profound energetic practices to your anatomically precise bodywork and experience huge breakthroughs as you become an embodied practitioner.

Expect more ease within your sessions. More abundance in your practice. More balance in your life. And a deeper understanding of how to connect to your clients on a soul level.

Are you ready to…

Alleviate Doubt in Your Ability to Support Someone's Healing
Feel confident in your ability to show up in a supportive role, no matter the client.

Work More Intuitively
Experience a deep knowing for how best to honour, nurture and facilitate a
profound healing journey for your client.

Offer the Full Potential as a Facilitator of Your Clients’ Healing
Increase your potential by putting to practice new skills and embodying
your true self.

Breakthrough Being Stuck in Your Practice
Move through blocks and recurring patterns keeping you stuck in your life
and your practice.

If any of the above feel like a wholehearted YES, it’s time to take the next step. For you. And your work.

Be the Embodied Practitioner You’d Want to Work With
Be supported through your own embodied experiences; one of the most powerful ways to support your clients healing journey.

Have Unlimited Access to an Upgraded Toolkit
Pull from a fully-expanded toolkit to help you, help your clients.

Add-On Sacred Energetic Techniques to Your Anatomical Modality
Learn new techniques that support your clients’ needs deeper than just the physical body.

Utilize Easy-to-Follow Guidelines for a More Energetic and Integrated Practice
Access guidelines to review at any time as you integrate this profound work into your practice.


You can only take your client as deep as you’re willing to go, yourself.

It’s time to take matters into your own hands.

Are you ready to…
Leave fear and doubt at the door?
Let go of old conditioning and unhealthy patterns?
Dig deeper than any textbook?
Connect soul to soul?

 “I have over 12 years experience as a Massage Therapist and like each of us, a lifetime of experience with my own body, environment and relationships. I can attest to how important and useful it is to be energy-aware, hold neutral space and have trauma-informed knowledge. This program teaches exactly that and is suited for any bodyworker who is willing and open to learn. The group calls are engaging and highly informative, the bi-weekly practices are full of variety to support with integration and the Q&A calls take all of it to the next level. I have already carried many of these lessons forward and witnessed a shift in how I interact with my inner and outer worlds. Thank you for your wisdom Kari and Jamie!”

— Krystel G., Victoria BC

We teach what
we’re most meant
to learn.

That’s why we’re here.
To share this experience with you.

 Collectively, our learning has been immense, intense and at times, almost intolerable. It’s through our own healing—with the support of bodyworkers—that we’ve been able to safely revisit our pain and trauma to ultimately find a sense of wholeness and peace.

When we move through our wounding as individuals, we not only come to understand ourselves but we’re better able to relate to others with a sense of compassion.

The journey that brought us together


Kari’s Journey

“As an empathic and sensitive child, I spent my youth feeling like I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I took on others’ emotional baggage and as a result, was quite a sickly child. I began to do everything I could to “not feel.” I had Turrets, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, disordered eating, addictions and was a sexual abuse survivor. It wasn’t easy being me.

In my mid-twenties, I hit bottom. I couldn’t stand living in my body or my mind any longer and out of pure desperation, dove head first into my own healing journey. It was hard. It was raw. It was messy. And sometimes, it was painful. However, I wouldn’t change any of it because it was also such a beautiful walk; a profound awakening of deep love and understanding for myself on a soul level.

Healing from the inside out.

I carry this with me as I continue to heal and evolve. In my early-thirties I began to study Craniosacral Therapy in a beautiful jungle sanctuary in Bali, Indonesia. It was truly life-changing. I had found my calling. Over the next 18 years, I continued to evolve both as a person and as a practitioner. I went on to study Visceral Manipulation, Shamanic Reiki, Soul Journeying, Past Life Regression, Inner Child Work, SomatoEmotional Release and trained as a Medical Intuitive. I now incorporate all of these modalities into my work and my teaching. I am so grateful to be able to share what I’ve learned with others. I strive to teach with grace, humility and a sense of humour.”

— Kari


Jamie Lee’s Journey

“If 15 years ago you had asked me about my childhood, I would have answered with something along the lines of “good, I think?”

It was in my early-twenties when I experienced my first unravelling. Up to that point, I had unconsciously followed societal norms to later find myself deeply dissatisfied and dissociated. This wasn’t the only time I had experienced depression without labelling it as such. Though with this unravelling also came curiosity.

I naturally (and rather unknowingly) became magnetized to the healing arts. I began to practice yoga and meditation and enrolled myself in school to study Holistic Nutrition. This is when the dots began to connect, where both clarity and confusion washed over me at the same time. This journey brought up many physical symptoms that had been locked within my body; from SIBO and parasites to chronic migraines and infection. It also began to unlock stored pain like grief and rage from a childhood of disordered boundaries.

After having tugged at the thread from the sweater of my life thus far, the entire knit began to fall apart. Yet another devastating heartbreak, a business failure, a bankruptcy and a return home to mom left me broken down and broken open. I had nowhere else to go but forward. From this place, I discovered for myself, many life-changing healing modalities, some of which I now practice including Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Healing, Yin Yoga and Embodiment.

I live and teach from personal experience as I continue to show up for the growth, learning and healing of my highest good as well as to support the growth, learning and healing of my clients.

— Jamie Lee

 The Enlightened Bodyworker program offers teachings and tools drawn from 30+ collective years of in-depth study and hands-on experience in anatomy-based bodywork modalities including Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Fascial Unwinding and Yin Yoga as well as energy medicine teachings including Inner Child Work, Somatic Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Soul Retrieval.

Bringing forth knowledge and wisdom to help you feel confident in your ability to facilitate and support the healing of others.

What’s included…


Bi-Weekly 2.5hr Group Curriculum Sessions


The bulk of the program will be held within our group curriculum sessions where we’ll gather together to learn, experience and explore new depths of bodywork. Each session is dedicated to a specific theme. You will not find these teachings in the traditional classroom!




Explore unique 1:1 somatic practices alongside your peers, to support your personal integration through the 3 month period. This is your chance to put your embodied knowledge into practice.


An Intentional Toolkit


Throughout the program, you’ll receive intentional tools to add to your bodywork toolkit; from energy techniques and soul work to trauma-informed skills and emotional support know-how. Plus soothing playlists for practitioners.


Monthly Q&A Sessions


This is a specific opportunity to bring forward any and all questions from our group curriculum sessions. We will discuss and answer any questions, personal and professional.


Student Practitioner
Community Access


Receive support from your community and fellow bodywork practitioners. Bring your questions, case studies and curiosities to the group and celebrate breakthroughs and big wins.

The Curriculum Sessions


No. 1
Rewriting Core Beliefs

Bringing awareness to our non-conscious beliefs.
The way we navigate through life is dictated by our belief system; much of it non-conscious. Learn how to rewrite the core beliefs that have burdened you while strengthening the ones that will support you.


No. 2
How Trauma Plays a Role

Exploring past wounds and how they keep us stuck. We’ll cover wounds including birth trauma, brain trauma, emotional trauma, healing from outdated thought patterns and helping clients get from A to B in a session.


No. 3
Taking Perfection Out of the Picture

Loving ourselves by lightening up.
A deep dive into where the need to be “more than we are” comes from and how this need prevents us from being the best version of ourselves.


No. 4
Moving Out of the Mind &
Into the Body

Bringing heightened awareness into your new or current somatic practice. Develop the subtle and specific listening skills necessary to understand what the body is showing us, to embrace its innate wisdom and to honour its treatment plan.


No. 5
All of You Is Welcome Here

Finding safety within each layer of Self.
Explore the hidden patterns that have served a purpose for so long and learn how to distinguish between different forms of resistance (within ourselves and our clients) and how to work with them.


No. 6
Getting Comfortable with Death

Trusting in death, rebirth and beyond.
Become familiar with death in all its forms; physical, energetic and spiritual. Learn how to move through personal blocks surrounding death and rebirth to better support your clients in their grief processing.


The Curriculum Sessions Schedule

We will meet on Tuesdays, bi-weekly over a 3-month period for six deeply transformative teachings to enhance your bodywork practice.

Session One: March 5th at 5:30pm PST
Session Two: March 19th at 5:30pm PST
Session Three: April 2nd at 5:30pm PST
Session Four: April 16th at 5:30pm PST
Session Five: April 30th at 5:30pm PST
Session Six: May 14th at 5:30pm PST

All sessions will be recorded and added into the portal within 24hrs.
We ask that you are present and on-time for each session to make the most of your program.

We will also gather for monthly Q&A sessions, schedule TBD.

All calls held on Zoom.

3 Month No-Fluff Online Group Program
$799.00 CAD

Once we receive your application, you will have 48hrs to make a payment and secure your spot.

You will receive a welcome email from Kari & Jamie Lee within 48hrs of purchase to include all important information for your program.
Emails will be sent from Healing Hands Training. If you do not see your welcome email within the 48hr timeframe, please check your junk folder.

The bulk of this program are the live Curriculum Sessions.
We ask that you apply only if you are willing, able and committed to attend the calls live.
Though, replays will be made available post-session.

This is an opportunity to work alongside Kari and Jamie Lee exclusively for 3 months, plus lifetime access to the curriculum, toolkit, practices and online community.

Limited spots available to ensure an intimate community space.

Are you ready?


Scrolled Way Down?

Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect from The Enlightened Bodyworker Program


Take your learning deeper than the traditional classroom experience.

Become the embodied practitioner you’d want to work with.

Expand beyond the anatomical with sacred energetic practices.


Lifetime access to specific protocols as you transform your practice.

Choose your level of support through the program.

Live and work from a place of intuitive knowing.

Questions, comments or curiosities?


We invite you to reach out if you have any questions at all.
We offer a complementary 15min connection call to determine whether this program is right for you.